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Welcome to the PowerUP Blog! Here’s where you’ll find the latest on innovations e.g. for gas engine updates, condition based overhaul, new gas engine spare parts or container solutions, and insights into the energy sector. From deep dives into biogas and natural gas to information and updates on Jenbacher® and MWM® engines, here you can power up your knowledge. Whether you’re in the industry or just energy-curious, join us as we explore the future of power together.

Featured articles

What is the chemical formula of biogas?

12. Aug 2024
2 min read
As biogas is a mixture of different substances, defining its chemical formula is not as simple as one might expect. We take a closer look at the composition of biogas in this article.

10 real-life uses of biogas

12. Aug 2024
5 min read
Biogas has set foot in a huge number of applications. In this article, we will discuss 10 of them in more detail.

Biogas generator – 7 facts you need to know

12. Aug 2024
4 min read
Biogas generators are an integral part of biogas systems, thus a vital component in the utilization of this energy source. In this article, we will highlight 7 facts about these devices.

A smart investment – Maximize efficiency with used Jenbacher® gas engines

17. Jul 2024
3 min read
Maximize efficiency for used Jenbacher® gas engines
Unlock the potential of your power generation setup with used Jenbacher® gas engines. This blog post delves into how these reburbished engines can provide exceptional efficiency and reliability while being a cost-effective solution for various applications.

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All Articles

The Advantages of Gas Engines — Powering the Future Efficiently

4. Dec 2023
4 min read
The Advantages of Gas Engines — Powering the Future Efficiently
In this blog post we will look into the advantages of gas engines, from their lower emissions to their adaptability in various applications.

The Challenges of Gas Engines

4. Dec 2023
3 min read
The Challenges of Gas Engines
In this post we will look into some challenges, such as market fluctuations, that can occur for gas engines. Read on!

Versatile Power – The Range of Gases for Jenbacher® Gas Engines

22. Feb 2024
3 min read
The Range of Gases for Jenbacher® Gas Engines
From natural gas to innovative renewable options like biogas and hydrogen, discover the flexibility that makes Jenbacher® engines leaders in sustainable power generation. Let’s dive into it!

The History of INNIO Jenbacher®

22. Feb 2024
4 min read
The History of INNIO Jenbacher® – A Journey Through Innovation
This blog post explores the company’s evolution from its modest origins to its status as a global player in providing efficient, sustainable power solutions.

Powering Progress – Our Guide to Jenbacher® Gas Engine Series

22. Feb 2024
3 min read
Powering Progress – Our Guide to Jenbacher® Gas Engine Series
Learn about the distinctive attributes, operational efficiency, and sustainability of each series, from the versatile Type 2 and Type 3 to the powerful Type 9. This guide shows how Jenbacher® engines drive innovation in the power generation sector, setting new standards for performance and environment.

The Ultimate Guide to Jenbacher® Gas Engines

22. Feb 2024
7 min read
The Ultimate Guide to Jenbacher® Gas Engines
From detailed breakdowns of each engine series to their innovative applications across various industries, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of Jenbacher® engines’ efficiency, versatility, and commitment to sustainability.

Why is biogas not yet widely utilized? Challenges and potentials

24. Oct 2023
3 min read
Why is biogas not yet widely utilized? Challenges and potentials
Biogas has big potential to contribute to the energy landscape, but the utilization is not as widespread as it could be. We will explore the reasons why biogas has not been utilized more frequently.

Is biogas truly eco-friendly?

24. Oct 2023
2 min read
Ist Biogas wirklich umweltfreundlich?
Is Biogas sustainable? Evaluating its environmental impact and challenges in converting organic waste to energy.

Decoding Biogas Plants – The Main Components and Their Significance

24. Oct 2023
4 min read
Biogasanlagen entschlüsselt: Die Hauptkomponenten und ihre Bedeutung
Biogas plants have become a crucial part of the renewable energy landscape. How are these plants constructed? In this article, we will delve into the details.

How long can we continue to use natural gas?

24. Oct 2023
3 min read
How long can we continue to use natural gas?
In this article we will evaluate the future of natural gas in the energy sector, amidst shifting technological landscapes and environmental considerations.

What is LNG?

24. Oct 2023
3 min read
What is LNG?
You’ve heard about LNG or Liquefied Natural Gas? But what is it exactly? In this article we will give you the answer

The Advantages of Captive Power Plants

11. Mar 2024
3 min read
Advantages of Captive Power Plants
Captive power plants provide businesses with a significant strategic benefit by offering a dependable, affordable, and eco-friendly energy supply. But what are the advantages? Read more in this article!

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